“Years ago, I was standing with Chris Altizer in that DEI workshop in the story. Like Chris, I didn’t enjoy how I felt then, either. Life experiences and the practices in this book have helped me begin to get square with my own unearned advantages. I believe this book can help all of us, whoever you are or wherever you’re from, face the elephant in the room and grow earned advantage - for everyone.”
— Jeff Kindler
CEO Centrexion Therapeutics, Global Chair, GLG Institute
“Chris and Gloria brilliantly weave together insights and tools from mindfulness, competitiveness, and change to the challenge of DEI. By delineating the assumptions and actions of earned vs. unearned advantage and by learning from the four archetypes, this book dramatically advances how people in any setting grow and relate to each other. Amazing book: Clever, insightful, relevant, and actionable.”
— Dave Ulrich
Rensis Likert Professor, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan; Partner, The RBL Group
“This groundbreaking book offers a new and exciting paradigm for enhancing diversity training. Using a model of earned versus unearned advantage, which seems eminently sensible and wise to me, it weaves in contemplative and mindfulness practices so that we are not stuck in “now what do I do?” with no place for healing or action. This book is the “now what”. I am confident the wisdom and compassion of this methodology will be used widely for the benefit of many.”
— Diana Winston
Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center and author of The Little Book of Being
“Growing the Elephant offers road-tested inspiration and practical support to you in maximizing the possibilities inherent in working well together across the lines of real and perceived differences in our workplaces. Read and share to deepen your understanding of privilege and how to use it — and possibly transform it — for good.”
- Rhonda Magee, M.A., J.D.
Author, The Inner Work of Racial Justice
Read our People Managing People Interview
“Lack of Awareness Is Holding Us Back From a Better World of Work,” with Tim Reitsma.
“Our unwillingness to discuss the topic advantage has created a culture where it's simply avoided - like a huge elephant in the room. Chris and Gloria invite readers to examine "the elephant" through a compassionate mix of stories and practices that open the mind and the heart. In a time of increased division and decreasing dialogue, when discussions of inequality are so difficult they are becoming legislated, Chris and Gloria bring a different approach to how we address it - from the inside - out. This book meets people wherever they are without judgment as they explore the elephant and helps us all find ways to grow earned advantage for everyone.”
— Shelly Tygielski
Author, Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World and Founder, Pandemic of Love
“At a time of increasing public debate around the topic of equality and after many organizations’ well intended, but often ineffective attempts to move the needle with DE&I training, Chris and Gloria offer a meaningful shift in the discourse and reframing of the discussion. Rather than zero-sum thinking, they demonstrate a practical and actionable approach utilizing a growth mindset. Their book is a thought-provoking prescription for advancing DE&I by growing earned advantage for all.”
— Michael Goettler
Former Chief Executive Officer, Viatris, Inc.
"As a Latina who has led many nonprofits committed to creating opportunities for all, I continue to apply really important life lessons about privilege or what this book quite appropriately calls ‘unearned advantage.’ Many more of us need deeper understanding because, then, we can do better problemsolving. As I read this book, I recall moments when Gloria, a co-author and I, would exchange smiles of appreciation when someone other than us - who was not of color or not a woman - would call out the “elephant” in that room of national CEO’s where we gathered for several years. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that our most productive discussions happened when individuals of different identities had taken the time to learn. Whether you are a CEO, board member, staff member, or community volunteer, your time will be well spent reading and reflecting on the rich insights you’ll find here."
- Anna Maria Chavez
Chief Impact Officer; President, Encantos Foundation | Founder, Fearless Global Girl Initiative | Forbes 50 over 50 | Fortune World's 50 Greatest Leaders | Former National CEO, Girl Scouts of America
“After the senseless murder of George Floyd, I had the opportunity to speak with many African Americans who shared gut wrenching and heartbreaking stories. Stories describing what it was like raising their children, needing to give them the “talk” about how to behave if they were pulled over and how they worried for their children. I also heard from White Americans that wanted to reach out to their Black friends—especially those in the workplace, knowing that they were hurting, but afraid to broach the subject.
This practical and impactful book gives people the tools they need to address these issues. It describes the journey that we can take together to better understand each other in a way that is helpful, effective and meaningful. The tone is not accusatory; rather it strives for being understanding of each other. We can all learn from reading Growing the Elephant.”
- Gail J. McGovern
President & CEO, American Red Cross
”Deeply insightful and most relevant to today’s DEI challenges and opportunities. DEI with open understanding and intent is always part of the solution!”
- Bettina Deynes, SHRM-SCP
SVP, CHRO, Carnival Cruise Line
“As a DEI consultant with 30 years of experience evaluating existing and creating new DEI programming, this book provides a major alternative to the focus on the damages resulting in inequality by instead focusing on preventing the impact of inequality through positive approaches and solutions to support everyone, regardless of advantage. It also provides a methodology to prevent negative impacts and promote equal advantage for all.”
- Kent D. Lollis, Esq.
DEI and Educational Consultant, Law School Admission Council DEI Vice President Emeritus
“Theory tells us that a more diverse workforce can lead to better decision making, greater organizational vitality, and long-term success. But what are the practical steps organizations must take to realize these benefits? For everyone who has lived through the shortcomings of traditional DEI programs and seminars and avoided them ever since, Chris Altizer and Gloria Johnson-Cusack provide a new approach. Based on extensive interviews and research, their approach uses contemplation, meditation, and mindfulness techniques to stimulate personal growth and discovery. Not a silver bullet, but an approach that, with time and concerted effort, can produce insights among individual employees and breakthroughs for their organizations.”
- Larry Stimpert, Ph.D.
President, Hampden-Sydney College, Author
“In Growing the Elephant, Chris Altizer and Gloria Johnson-Cusack give readers a crucial opportunity to reflect on one of society’s most challenging problems—the uneven distribution of opportunity based on unearned advantage. In a warm, accessible, and compassionate style, they issue a powerful call to action for all of us to recognize our own advantage and, most importantly, to support those who have less.”
- David Glasgow
Executive director of the Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at NYU School of Law and coauthor of Say the Right Thing: How to Talk about Identity, Diversity, and Justice
“It all begins with self-recognition and acceptance of our own individual unearned advantages. From there we are unstoppable, individually and collectively.” From the Forward to Growing the Elephant.
- Vicky Spruill
President and CEO, New England Aquarium, Former President and CEO Council on Foundations